So Calgary eh.........
This by far the worst city in the world to try and find your way around in.
In the same few blocks there is a 3rd st SE, 3rd st SW, 3rd st NW, 3rd st NE, 3rd Ave SE, 3rd Ave SW etc.
When you look up directions you basically take note of the street names and general area and it's usually pretty easy to work out.
"So take 12th ave, left at 16th and then 9th street, or was it 9th ave. Shit was it 9th SE or 9th SW. Crap we took 16th ave not 16th street. Also every road is one way except every 3rd or 4th rd. Plus the signs above roads don't tell what street they are, they tell what exits that road has coming up.
I literally screamed "I f%$^#*# Hate you Calgary!" whilst waving a closed fist wildly.....
I miss you Sat Nav.
Anyway we went to Calgary as Sandrine was working at the Art and craft Convention for the 'All in the Wild' Photography Gallery.
We drove 2 hours through blizzard conditions and then spent 8 hours setting up the booth. Check it out (below) We set up everything including the drapes, lighting, Steel frames and picture frames etc.
The day we set up I had the worst migraine EVER, which also turned into a fever, chills, terrible stomach aches, body aches, nausea, and later that night confusion, hallucinations and chronic dehydration. And then it went away, lasted about 24 hours of me thinking I was going to die and then mild headache and that's it. Weird right...?
Anyway after spending 3 days in bed whilst Sandrine worked 12 hour days on her feet at the convention I decided I had to do something whilst in Calgary. The Zoo seemed to be the best option. It was -11, snowing about 1 foot and hour so I thought it would be great to get a pic of the Siberian Tiger in the snow. I have never seen one as in Australia they only have Bengal Tigers, which are almost half the size of Siberian Tigers.
Here are some pics from the Canadian Wild life area. I was the only one in the whole zoo apart from 1 or 2 people. It was weird as the paths were narrow and windy, super quiet, deep snow and all the signs were covered in a foot of snow, so I could easily be going the wrong way. At one point I saw some low fences and I crossed some animal tracks and thought maybe I wondered into an animal enclosure. I looked up and saw this guy.
Big Horn Sheep
As you can see the snow is pretty heavy.
BISON - These guys aren't bothered too much by - 10, they live in up to - 100 with wind chill so this is prob no biggy for them.
WOLF - This guy was very interested in me, as I was the only person around and hiding in the bush by the fence.
JUVENILE BALD EAGLE - This fella is just gorgeous.
COUGAR - These are the guys we look out for when were hiking. Apparently you have to fight back with these guys if they attack, scream loud to ward them off, throw big rocks at them and look as large as possible whilst never taking your eyes off them. Kind of like a Gorilla defending it territory. Very different story to the Grizzly.
SIBERIAN TIGER - I finally found them at the far end of the park.
This guy was in solitary confinement. He was a big territorial male and I'm very sure he wanted to eat me. At one point he leapt up on the window to try and grab me. So weird, he looks like he his not watching you but always is, When I was there I didn't think he was watching me closely but in every shot he is staring straight down the lens. He is also constantly looking for ways to get though the fence to get to me, and looking for weaknesses in the cage.

It's hard to tell but this guys head is huge....
This female however was much more content and relaxed. Don't get me wrong, every time she walked by me she grunted and snarled a little (as we were only a foot or so away), I was probably bothering her by being so close.

RED PANDA - These guys are the cutest animals in the world. FACT!!!
VARIOUS MONKEYS - Everybody loves monkeys.
REINDEER - The grass is always greener on the other side eh...
I have had enough by this point and my hands were freezing, I could of seen Giraffe's, Hippos and Gorillas will have to be another day. I went into the Gorilla exhibit and my lens all fogged up as the temps and humidity was Singapore summer style.....
I hope you enjoyed the pics and apologies for not updating earlier but it would just by the inside of our hotel room.
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