Lately we have been getting up super early to catch the sunrise as we are dog sitting at the moment and 'Spirit' the Great Pyrenees dog needs to go for a walk first thing in the morning. It's great because we have been getting some great sunrises.
Here are some shots Sandrine took the other day.
This is Sandrine walking 'Spirit'
It's about -20 at the moment and it's starting to get even colder, next week a top of -27, now thats crazy!!!
A few months back we have photo's of this river flowing free with green grass and crystal clear water, so weird how everything has changed around here.
The sun has come out finally.
Where ever we drive 'Spirit' hangs out the window, she loves it.
We decided to head over to the Norquay Ski field, we heard the view from the top is amazing...
Ski lift to the top.
This is all the tube riders ready to fly down the slopes.
Mt Rundle in all it's glory!!!!
(That tiny bump below it is Tunnel Mountain and those little square specs is the town of Banff)
Chilling at the top of Norquay.
The view was worth the trip for sure...
This is the 'Three Sisters' and the tiny roof tops is Canmore where we live.

Trying to find a place to walk 'Spirit', we were intending to walk here but a heard of over 50 deer kinda stopped that idea. 'Spirit' was a wild mountain dog and used to hunt for food so deer would drive her a little crazy.
Those tiny green dots to the bottom right are 20 to 30 metre tall trees. Give you a little perspective as to how insane this mountain slope is.
Hope you enjoyed the pics today, we have a bunch of HDRI's and PANORAMA's coming soon.
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