Marc and I have been doing alot of driving in the past 2 days, both of which were very early days. We got to see a gorgeous sun rise yesterday as the sun doesn't come up till 8 am. Here are some photos we got from the drive to Calgary, these were all taken from a moving vehicle, but I couldn't resist taking some shots, it was so NICE!
This is my favourite. It is so Canada with the wire fence along the road....
Marc wanted me to take a photo of the sun behind this bridge, he thought it looked cool, he was right:
As the sun got higher, I took a few pictures on the other side of the highway, showing the nice morning sun light hitting the farms along the way..
This is the city of Calgary. We hate going into the city, we always get lost and there are road works everywhere!! Man, we really are small town folks now!! The city did look awesome in this light though!
Yep you know you're in a city when you see one of these towers rising up high ... It's crazy, do all cities have some secret contract that they must have a tower as part of their architecture ??
So that was yesterday. We spent the morning helping my boss set up for a 4 day exhibition. In 2 weeks, we gotta set up the same booth at another exhibition, so I was taking notes!!!
TODAY - on the 100th Day in Canada we experienced the scariest driving experience yet.. driving in a snow storm, on slippery icy roads, in the dark... It was CRAZY! Lucky we had winter tyres! It was so cold that the condensation on the inside of the windows FROZZZZZZZEE!! On the inside!!! Anyway, I think pictures will give you a better understanding...
Couldn't see a thing being other cars, let alone trucks!!
When we got to Golden, we couldn't believe how much snow there was everywhere....
We stopped by the bakery for a cup of hot tea and I also got a BEAR CLAW... YUM!!!
Marc took an photo of me eating but it was over exposed, he still liked the arty look to it so here it is
(unedited except small exposure adjustment and cropped)
(unedited except small exposure adjustment and cropped)

This was too weird, we saw this sign on the way home and just a few meters behind it was our first BIGHORN SHEEP!
We were so happy to see him, we turned the car around and went back to get more photos. Not a very safe thing to do in the middle of a windy and snowy road...but we got some cool pics!
How cool are these horns!!! They almost compromise his vision at certain angles...
Female bighorne sheep (as you see on the right below) also get horns but only tiny little ones.. so cute!
Check out this snow plower, blowing snow off the road. We were stuck behind a few of these today and although I am happy they clean up the roads, it certainly got our car dirty and cold!
Here is a photo that will give you a good idea of the crapy conditions Marc had to drive through... he did a great job!
So there you go, sunny one day and snowing the next! Our adventure continues, even though we don't have as many updates as we use to, sorry about that! Sunshine (the ski resort closest to us) has now opened, so we'll be checking that out some time soon... well when I feel brave enough to give snowboarding another try..
Sammy ;-)
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