HDR Image of the Day....
Well 2 HDRI's This one is abit bright so I'll prob revisit it when I get time.
It's hard to tell but I'm freezing.....
We picked up Helene from Calgary Airport last night and it was dark when she arrived so she hadn't seen any of Canada before now.
We told her that see just missed the yellow leave season so she is enjoying what she can of the leaves. lol
Helen and Sammy in the Canadian Rockies baby!!!
Sammy is giving me the evil eye...
We thought we should show Helene around and decided to drive down the Bow Valley Parkway, but unfortunantly saw NO wildlife at all. We did stop a few times for fotostops though.
This is Sandrine and Helene looking for bears in the woods....
And as the saying goes, "I don't have to run faster than a bear, I just need to run faster than you...!"
So basically we arrived at Lake Louise without encountering any animals and by this time we were starving. For some reason NOTHING was open in Lake Louise almost. We ended up going to our old Hostel for lunch, we knew they would at least be open.
We arrived at Lake Louise and it was loaded with snow. Some how one snow ball became all out war.

A perfect snowflake, It's the size of a tiny lady bug... It was very hard to get it in focus as I was moving, Helene was moving and her hair was moving all independently.

Just so you can see how dramatic the weather is changing here, this photo (above) was taken a month ago... From shorts and a T-shirt to wearing thermal base layers, T-shirt, Pants, jumper, thermal hoodie, goose feather down jacket, thermal gloves and beanie.
I found this particular decoration at the Faimont Lake Louise odd. The Elk has been positioned so he stares into this lamp for eternity. What a way to end up...
The view at the TEA LOUNGE !!! (Posh accent added)
Blurry pic but still interesting I thought....
In front of the Fairmont Lake Louise.
Your a Tiger, GRRRR!!!
Unknow paw print, possibly a Bear... ( upside down)
Sammy on the train tracks, these things are electrified but I'm just not sure how. I'll have to look that up...
This is a brocken bridge we stumbled upon.
This is possibly the coolest scenic location we have found so far, it's along the Bow Valley Parkway and has the mountains, the river, the grass and the railway. Very Cool.... We were looking for Rockey mountain sheep but once again No luck.
This actaully quiet random, this little chair sitting on the edge of this pontoon.
Sammy skimming rocks on the frozen lake, kinda cheating but who cares, it bounces like 50 times...
Just a cool breeze blasting off the lake freezing us solid...
We finally found wildlife at the good old Banff Springs Golf Coarse... Never fails with the resident Elk.
This guy was very interested in the squeeling of my car brakes or the lovely lady elk behind us... 1 of the 2 anyway.
What a Day.... More sightseeing tomorrow depending on the weather.
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