Day 032 – Happy Birthday Marc!!
So Marc’s birthday technically went for 2 days as we got the happy birthday wishes from back home 1 day ahead. It was great to hear from everyone!
This is the Lake Louise Hostel where we have been staying. Its right next to a train that goes right past our window but we still love it there!
Marc got to pick whatever he wanted to do for his birthday, and what he really wanted was to go to Banff, shop for a snowboard and go to the movies. Its not how I would have spent such a warm a sunny day in the Rockies, but we had a great day.
Most of all Marc found his birthday present – The “Destroyer” snow board! He was very happy with his find and the fact that the board has a big skull in the middle of it means it was made for him!
We did have a bit of a déjà vu with our never ending problem with TIME!! We didn’t know there was a time difference between BC and Alberta so we missed our movie session and missed our friends that we were suppose to meet there…
One thing I didn’t mention was BANFF!! WE LOVE IT!! Granted it was very busy and much bigger than I remembered, but I loved it none the less.
Here are some photos of the birthday boy and photos we took that day:
The view on the way to Banff - These mountains are enormous!!!!
Looking for a snow jacket - he didn't end up getting it but he found snow boots!
Sushi for dinner in Banff. Was good and loved the little tea pot!
Awesome FULL MOON coming over the mountains
Day 033 – Lake Louise Hike
Since our 3 day Kayaking trip, Marc and I haven’t really done much exercise. Been sitting in a car travelling from Vancouver to Lake Louise. It was time for us to explore this beautiful terrain! Only thing was, we took a little longer to climb this mountain than people told us it would. We will blame the fact that we took a lot of photos, but the truth is, I was happy to stop for photos as the climb was STEEP!
That's right, going all the way up there....
Where the walk begins....
The view a 1/4 of the way up....
Finally arrived at Mirror Lake - TIME FOR A BRAKE - The colour of this lake is very green, so different from Lake Louise.
But we had to keep going... we thought we had to climb the mountain below, but that turned out to be "Big Beehive". That was too long for us!
Finally got to Lake Agnus - Very TIRED!

Time for some cool waterfall shots....
Difference between long shutter speed and short one.
But wait there is more climbing!!
This is Lake Agnus behind me right at the Tea House - Beautiful Colours!
Marc insisted we put this photo in - a bit too close for my liking but you can see the view of the lake in my eye. Gotta love that Macro...
Although it was very tempting to go back down from the tea house, we just had to get to the very top to see th view of Lake Louise from up high... This is just a preview:
Gotta climb all the way too the top....
Finally at the top...
Worth the view:
You can see "Le Chateau" on the left of the lake. Hard to believe our car is parked down there.....
What goes up.... must come down...
Back at Le Chateau for sunset - nothing like a nice ice cream after a long walk
Marc and I wanted to go back to this spot from when we discovered it in 2005. I was hopping to see a few bears on the track but no luck! So beautiful though!
The last time we were here was in 2005.
Marc with 2 guys we had met in Lake Louise and offered to show us around, we where looking for bears.
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